PLACE AND DATE OF BIRTH: Eskisehir / Turkey , 25. March. 1973
BUSINESS ADDRESS : Gazi University, Health Science Faculty, Nursing Department, Ankara/ Turkey
2010 Associate Professor
Administration & Organization,
Administration of the Health Care Organizations
2004 Doctor of Philosophy
University of Istanbul , Florence Nightingale Nursing School , Turkey
Thesis: Determination of the nursing care cost
2000 Master of Science
University of Istanbul , Florence Nightingale Nursing School
Thesis: Development of the patient classification scale
1994 Bachelor of Nursing
University of Istanbul , Florence Nightingale Nursing School (4 years)
1990 High school of Nursing
Admiral Bristol Nursing School , Istanbul (4 years)
Other Courses Taken
Education of Nurse Manager , GATA 2006, Istanbul University
Biostatistics in Healthcare Services,2006, Istanbul University
Assertiveness in Behaviors in Nursing,2006, Istanbul University
Qualitative Researches in Health Care 2004, Istanbul University
Quality Management in Nursing, 2002, Istanbul University and Rambam Medical Center ( Israel )
Nursing Management and Leadership II, 2001, Istanbul University and Rambam Medical Center (Israel )
Nursing Management and Leadership I, 1999, İstanbul University and Rambam Medical Center (Israel)
2010- Associate Professor, Gazi University, Health Science Faculty, Nursing Department, Ankara/Turkey
2007-2010 Assistant Professor, Gazi University, Nursing School, Ankara/Turkey
2006- 2007 Senior Lecturer, Baskent University, Health Science Faculty, Nursing Department, Ankara / Turkey
1998-2006 Research Assistant Istanbul , Florence Nightingale Nursing School , Department of Nursing Administration, Istanbul / Turkey
1996-1998 Nurse Specialist in Coronary Ward Cumhuriyet University Hospital , Sivas / Turkey
1993-1996 Nurse Specialist in Coronary Intensive Care Unit, Florence Nightingale Hospital , İstanbul/ Turkey
Total Quality Management in the Hospitals
Manpower Planning and Costing
Knowledge Management in Hospital
Organizational Behaviors
Teaching Nursing Administration
Nursing Leadership
Clinical Nursing Staff Development
Workplace Empowerment
Statistical Analysis
Web design and database programming ((Joomla, Dreamweaver, Fireworks, Photoshop, Filemaker)
Book Published
Ekici D (2013) Health Services Administration (Sağlık Bakım Hizmetinin Yönetimi,) Sim Matbaası, Ankara. (ISBN – 978-605-86352-1-0) (In Turkish)
Ekici D (2013) Total Quality Management of Health Service (Sağlık Hizmetinde Toplam Kalite Yönetimi,) Sim Matbaası, Ankara. (ISBN – 978-605-86352-1-0) (In Turkish)
Journal Articles Published
Yıldırım D, Kısa S, Hisar F (2012) Study on Validity and Reliability of Turkish Version of the Essentials of Magnetism Scale (EOMII), , International Nursing Review 59, 570-576.
Yıldırım D, Keçeci A, Bulduk S (2011) How do Turkish nursing students plan their career after the graduation?: a questionnaire survey, Asia Pacific Educ. Rev. 12 (3): 373-380. (SSCI)
Yıldırım D, Yıldırım A (2010) Mobbing Behaviors Encountered by Academician Who Worked in the Area of Health Sciences and Their Responses to Them , Journal of Turkish Clinicals, 30(2):559-570.
Yıldırım D, Yıldırım A (2010) Sağlık Alanında Çalışan Akademisyenlerin Karşılaştıkları Psikolojik Siddet Davranısları ve Bu Davranısların Etkileri, Türkiye Klinikleri Dergisi, 30(2):559-570. (SCI)
Yıldırım D (2009) Bullying among Nurses and its Effects, International Nursing Review 56, 504-511.
Yıldırım D , Aycan Z. (2008) Work – Family Conflict of Nurses: Comparison of Clinical and Academic Nurses in Turkey, International Journal of Nursing Studies , 45:1366-1378.
Dilek Y, Aytolan Y (2008) Development and Psychometric Evaluation of Workplace Psychologically Violence Behaviors Instrument, Journal of Clinical Nursing , 17: 1361-1370.
Yıldırım D , Yıldırım A., Timuçin A. (2007) Mobbing behaviors encountered by nursing school teaching staff in the workplace and their responses to them, Nursing Ethics , 7(14); pp:447-463.
Yıldırım A, Yıldırım D. (2007) Mobbing in nursing: mobbing experienced by nurses working in health care facilities in Turkey and its effect on nurses, Journal of Clinical Nursing , 16(8):1445-1453.
Yıldırım,D. (2005) Nurses Staff Allocation Related to Patient and Other Interventions in the Wards (Hemşirelerin Servislerde Hastalarla İlgili Ve Diğer İşlere Ayırdıkları Sürenin Belirlenmesi ), Hemşirelik Dergisi ( Journal of Nursing ) , Cilt XIV, Sayı:57
Yıldırım D , Oktay S, (2005) Determination of the Nursing Care Time Respect to Patient Type in Two Different Hospitals (İki Farklı Hastanede Hasta Tiplerine Göre Hemşirelik Bakım Süreleri Arasındaki Farkın Belirlenmesi), Hemşirelik Dergisi ( Journal of Nursing ), 8(55): 21-36(in Turkish)
Yıldırım D , Yılmaz S. (2004) Measurement of Daily Staffing in an Operating Room (Bir Ameliyathanede Çalışması Gereken Hemşire Sayısının Belirlenmesi ) HEMAR-G Dergisi ( Journal of Research and Improvement in Nursing ) , 6 (1,2): 15-27 (in Turkish)
Yıldırım D. (2004) Determining Nursing Interventions and Nursing Care Cost Based on Patient Classification System (Hasta sınıflandırma sisteminden yarralanarak hemşirelik uygulamalarının ve maliyetlerinin belirlenmesi), Modern Hastane Yönetimi Dergisi ( Journal of Modern Hospital Management), 2004 (3-4):37-48. (in Turkish)
Yıldırım D (2003): Development of Patient Classification Scale (Hasta Sınıflandırma Aracı Geliştirme), Hemşirelik Dergisi ( Journal of Nursing ) , 13 ( 51):15-133. (in Turkish)
Baykal Ü, Yıldırım D , Sökmen S (2004) Condition of Security Provisions in the Public and Private Hospitals (Kamu ve Özel Hastanelerde Güvenlik Önlemlerinin Durumu), Hemşirelik Dergisi ( Journal of Nursing ),8(53): 48-50. (in Turkish)
Yıldırım D. (2002) Nursing manpower planning (Hemşire insangücü planlaması), Hemşirelik Dergisi ( Journal of Nursing ), 12(48):57-71. (in Turkish)
Yıldırım D. (2001) Measuring nursing cost using nursing manpower planning (Hemşire insangücü planlaması yaparak hemşirelik maliyetlerinin hesaplanması), Modern Hastane Yönetimi Dergisi ( Journal of Modern Hospital Management) (in Turkish), 15 (2-3):17-23
Baykal Ü, Sökmen S, Yıldırım D , Şahin A. Time Management at Nurse Managers (Yönetici Hemşirelerin Zaman Kullanımlarının Araştırılması), Toplam Kalite Yönetimi Prensiplerinin Sağlık Hizmetlerinde Uygulamaları Sempozyumu ( Symposium of Total Quality management Principles in Health Services Interventions ), 1999, Ankara (in Turkish)
Yıldırım D , Aycan Z*. Work condition of the clinical and academical nurses’ and effects on work and life satisfaction (Klinisyen Hemşireler ile Akademisyen Hemşirelerin Çalışma Koşullarının İş ve Hayattan Aldıkları Doyuma Etkisi), 13. Ulusal Psikoloji Kongresi, ( 13rd National Psychology Conference ), İstanbul. (in Turkish)
Yıldırım D , Çivit H, Yılmaz S. Measurement of Daily Staffing in an Operating Room* (Bir ameliyathanede günlük çalışması gereken hemşire sayısının belirlenmesi* ) , 4. Ulusal Ameliyathane Kongresi ( 4 th National Operating Room Conference ),2003, Izmir .* (The research was awarded from congress of science committee).
Yıldırım D, Duyuran F, Güneş F, Arabul N. Nurse retention strategies in hospitals who having quality management research and expectation of the nurses (Kalite Çalışması Yapan Hastanelerde Hemşireleri İşe Özendirmede Kullanılan Araçlar ve Hemşirelerin Bu Konudaki Beklentileri), 4th Ulusal Hemşirelik Öğrencileri Kongresi (4 th National Nursing Student Conference),2005, Ordu. (in Turkish)
Yıldırım, D , Cavus H, Dogan A, Dogan B Topics that Nursing Students Give Importance to When Career Planning (Hemşire öğrencilerin kariyer planlarken önem verdikerli konular) 5 th National Nursing Student Conference),2007, Istanbul.
Yıldırım D , Yıldırım A. Mobbing behaviours encountered by academic staff in university and their responses to them, Amsterdam, Nederlands, 22-24 October 2008, p:128-131.
Yıldırım D , Yıldırım A. Hospıtals’ Nurse Retentıon Strategıes, Nurses’ Expectatıons And Intentıons To Leave: A Comparıson Of Prıvate And Publıc Hospıtals , Fıfth Internatıonal Conference On Health Care Systems Milwaukee, Wisconsin, October 13 – 15, 2008, p: 138-148.
Yıldırım D, Keçeci A, Bulduk S. How Do Turkısh Nursıng Students Plan Theır Career After The Graduatıon?: A Questıonnaıre Survey, Fıfth Internatıonal Conference On Health Care Systems Milwaukee, Wisconsin, October 13 – 15, 2008, p:149-156.
Yıldırım D , Beder A Your Manager or Colleague Could Be Damaging Your Health or Work Performance*, the 7th Health Care Management congress held between the dates 21-24 May 2009, Kıbrıs. * (The research was awarded from congress of science committee).
Manuscript Reviewer
Journal of Clinical Nursing
International Nursing Review